
Getting the most from your healthcare appointment

Get the most from your Healthcare Appointment

Before your appointment

• Write down and prioritize your questions
• Write a list on main symptoms and concerns
• Complete any prescribed tests
• Bring any forms with you
• Do your own research
• Update your medication list. Include prescriptions, vitamins, herbals etc
• Ask a family member of friend to come with you

During your appointment

• Share your list of questions and symptoms
• Do not expect the healthcare provider to deal with all of your concerns
• Ask questions. For example What is my main health problem? What do I need to do? Why do I need to do this? How will this affect my everyday life?
• Listen to your healthcare provider
• Answer any questions honestly
• Take notes
• If you do not understand something ask them to repeat it to you

Support Group

Living Sharing Caring

Take Charge members can interact with other members who suffer from the problems related to their illness

Online Chronic Self-Management Program

FREE to individuals across Ontario who are living with one or more chronic conditions such as diabetes, chronic pain, high blood pressure, stroke, cancer, heart or kidney conditions. Many of the workshops are also beneficial for caregivers and anyone looking to improve their health literacy. The online programs can be accessed from any device with an internet connection and have been designed to meet different needs; from one-on-one health coaching and group-based workshop series, to one-time health literacy webinars. To learn more about the online self-management programs or to register for an upcoming program visit


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