Chronic Pain Self-Management Workshop

What is Chronic Pain?

Chronic Pain is pain that carries on for longer than 12 weeks despite medication or treatment.

Most people get back to normal after pain following an injury or operation but sometimes the pain carries on for longer or comes on without any history of an injury or operation.

Chronic Pain can last for years and range from mild to severe on any given day. It is estimated that one in four Canadians live with chronic pain.  While past injuries or damage can cause chronic pain, sometimes there’s no apparent cause. Without proper management, chronic pain can start to impact your quality of life, as a result, people living with chronic pain may develop symptoms of anxiety or depression. Many of us who have chronic health condition experience chronic pain and in many cases this is the most difficult symptom to manage. Pain is unpredictable, it comes and goes in its intensity and it is an individual and personal experience. In our workshops we share these lived experiences in an informative, safe and supportive atmosphere with individuals who are experiencing similar health issues and challenges.

Some other symptoms may include: tense muscles, lack of energy and limited mobility. Frequent headaches, nerve pain damage, low back pain, arthritis and fibromyalgia are common examples of chronic pain.

Take Control Take Charge offers a 6 week workshop to help you improve your quality of life. In these workshops you will learn and practice the tools that can help you live a better quality of life, while dealing with chronic pain.

You will be in a classroom with people just like you! It’s a friendly, non judgmental atmosphere and a great place to learn and share with others!

The information that we share is not meant to conflict with your existing programs or treatment. It is designed to help you to think about what else is out there for you. We want you to stay active by continuing to enjoy the things that are important to you. In our workshops we discuss;

  • Techniques to deal with problems, such as frustration, fatigue, pain and isolation.
  • Appropriate exercise for maintaining and improving strength, flexibility, and endurance
  • Appropriate use of medications
  • Communicating effectively with family, friends, and health professionals
  • Nutrition
  • Decision making
  • How to evaluate new treatments

Our workshops normally take place at a location near you, but due to COVID-19 protocols, we are hosting Virtual Online Zoom Self-Management Workshops. If you are interested in taking one of these Workshops, please click the link below or call 1-855-333-2376.

YES, I want to register for a Chronic Pain Workshop!



You are not without help during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please check out this online webinar series to help you out during this time of isolation. The series is FREE.

Register now and receive the link to join live or review at a later date!

Online Chronic Self-Management Program

FREE to individuals across Ontario who are living with one or more chronic conditions such as diabetes, chronic pain, high blood pressure, stroke, cancer, heart or kidney conditions. Many of the workshops are also beneficial for caregivers and anyone looking to improve their health literacy. The online programs can be accessed from any device with an internet connection and have been designed to meet different needs; from one-on-one health coaching and group-based workshop series, to one-time health literacy webinars. To learn more about the online self-management programs or to register for an upcoming program visit

or call (Toll-free) 1-844-301-6389

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