Choices and Changes Workshop
Choices and Changes is a workshop designed to help you and your team connect with your patients. Learn new ways to help your patients succeed in making healthy choices and changes to both prevent and manage their chronic conditions.
This workshop will introduce you and your healthcare team to the literature, theory and techniques for promoting change in health behaviours.
Self- Management Support involves strategies that healthcare providers (HCP) can use to engage and support their patients who struggle with chronic conditions.
Self- Management Support Training offers an opportunity for HCP to works with the members of their team to practice approaches that can positively influence patient behavior.
This program is funded by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Hamilton Health Sciences Corporation administers the project and collaborates with a number of other organizations and providers within the Hamilton, Niagara, Haldimand and Brant LHIN.
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Register TODAY for these
Health Professionals Workshops:
Brief Action Planning Workshop
Treating Patients with C.A.R.E.
The Empathy Effect: Countering Bias
Clinician-Patient Communication to Enhance Health Outcomes
For Healthcare Providers to learn more about how to refer their clients to our online programs.
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