woman looking at salad and doughnuts in front of her

Life is about the choices we make. Food is no different.

Craving Change™ is a free four-week workshop for adults who struggle with problematic eating, including eating for comfort or eating in response to emotions. Craving Change can help you understand why you eat the way you do, change your thinking, change your eating, comfort yourself without food & learn practical techniques to help you develop a healthier relationship with food.

Emotional Eating: Learn How to Change

Craving Change™ will teach you skills to change your behaviour and make better food choices. We know that people eat for many reasons. Some of them do not include real physical hunger. Understanding why you eat the way you do and what to do about it is a big part of protecting health and promoting wellness. Take our Craving Change™ virtual workshop and change your thinking habits change your eating habits and enjoy lifelong benefits.

You will learn to:

  • Identify your personal eating triggers
  • Develop strategies to control your food cravings
  • Break your habits using practical techniques, such as nurturing yourself without food, for example with a relaxing bath, or distracting yourself with a fun project

This workshop is for adults who want to change their relationship with food. Whether it is to change your habits to minimize eating for comfort or in response to emotions, Craving Change™ will help you to use a variety of tools to support a new way of eating. A workbook accompanies this program and is yours to keep for future reference.

The Craving Change™ workshop is offered over a series of four weekly sessions. Anyone can register themselves for a workshop; no referral from a health care professional is needed.

Our workshops normally take place at a location near you, but due to COVID-19 protocols, we are hosting Virtual Online Zoom Self-Management Workshops. If you are interested in taking one of these Workshops, please click the link below or call 1-855-333-2376.

YES, I want to register for a Craving Change Workshop!



What is Craving Change™?
Craving Change™ is a licensed program developed by a clinical psychologist and registered dietitian. It prepares clinicians to use strategies to help people understand more about what they eat, when they eat and how much they eat. The program focuses on WHY it is hard to change, WHAT needs changing, HOW to make changes, and most important, HOW to keep them.

Who leads the Craving Change™ classes?
Craving Change™ classes are led by healthcare professionals such as dietitians, nurses, health promotion specialists, social workers, occupational therapists and psychologists. Class leaders have taken training in delivering the course and have passed a test in order to become certified.

Who is Craving Change ™ for?
A Craving Change™ workshop series is for any adult who would like to:

  • understand why it’s hard to change eating habits
  • identify personal triggers for over-eating
  • learn to respond to triggers differently
  • improve their relationship with food, and adapt healthier eating habits

NOTE: Craving Change™ is not intended for people with eating disorders.

Where can I get more information?
Check out the Craving Change™ website at: www.cravingchange.ca/

Online Chronic Self-Management Program

FREE to individuals across Ontario who are living with one or more chronic conditions such as diabetes, chronic pain, high blood pressure, stroke, cancer, heart or kidney conditions. Many of the workshops are also beneficial for caregivers and anyone looking to improve their health literacy. The online programs can be accessed from any device with an internet connection and have been designed to meet different needs; from one-on-one health coaching and group-based workshop series, to one-time health literacy webinars. To learn more about the online self-management programs or to register for an upcoming program visit


or call (Toll-free) 1-844-301-6389

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Self Management Program

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