The Empathy Effect: Countering Bias
The Empathy Effect: Countering Bias to Improve Health Outcomes is a 3.5 hour workshop facilitated by two certified Healthcare Professional Trainers. All workshops are FREE of charge, and resource materials are provided. The maximum capacity for registrants is 20 and a minimum of 10 is required to run a training session online or in person.
All health care professional make judgements which can be harmful and negatively affect the establishment of therapeutic relationships. Fortunately health care providers can learn to mitigate judgments and effectively covey empathy to clients and patients. The Empathy Effect: Countering Bias to Improve Health Outcomes is a highly interactive workshop that introduces six essential techniques to express empathy and enhance communication. Participants are provided with an opportunity to practice these skills and techniques in a safe and structured environment through small group exercises, video enactments and role plays
EE is applicable to a wide variety of organizations that seek to develop or enhance in-house capacity for clinician communication training. These include safety net organizations; hospitals and health systems; medical, dental, physical therapy and other practices; mental health and behavioral health organizations; managed care organizations medical, dental, pharmacy and other professional schools; specialty societies and government agencies.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the faculty course, learners will be able to:
1 List the three premises for empathy-based care
2 Identify the elements of the IN GEAR model for empathy conveyance
3 Identify two internal or external cues associated with interactions that invite judgement
4 Name at least one counter cure to shift from a view of judgment to one of understanding
5 Demonstrate at least two empathy conveyance skills
Upcoming Workshops
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To register email kuchard@hhsc.ca
Register TODAY for these
Health Professionals Workshops:
Brief Action Planning Workshop
Treating Patients with C.A.R.E.
The Empathy Effect: Countering Bias
Clinician-Patient Communication to Enhance Health Outcomes
Email: kuchard@hhsc.ca
For Healthcare Providers to learn more about how to refer their clients to our online programs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ea1g3S7wYg&t=1s
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